For developers

BrainBit NeuroFit

* Please note that Brainbit Neurofit Psychocorrection device is not available for sale into Canada.

Recommendation on conducting training*

The first session should be devoted to getting acquainted client and defining goals and objectives to be set for the course of training; explaining the general conditions and rules. During the introductory conversation the specialist should outline the problem and try to identify individual psychophysiological features of the client. Before starting the course, the client should be comfortably acquainted with Biofeedback method.

(!) The following basic information should be brought to the attention of the client and their relatives:

  • the client should refrain from using any psychoactive substances or the duration of the session (except for drug therapy prescribed by the assigned physician);
  • training is absolutely voluntary for the client;
  • as the recovery course lasts at least 15 sessions, the client should be able to plan their schedule accordingly for the full continuity of the course;
  • After the course is completed, the client can learn better self-control, adjustment and self-organization, and therefore deliberately enter the state of relaxation and focus faster.


ATTENTION! While conducting the training, Biofeedback specialist should be aware of possible «breakdowns» (return to the former negative state or behavior), which does not mean that the treatment is ineffective. Such breakdowns may indicate residual resistance that should be overcome in the further training process.

Trusting Biofeedback specialist is essential for successful training. If the client is 100% sure of their chosen approach, they will achieve their goal.

*Recommendations are based on a statistically average client: duration, frequency and number of sessions are defined in each individual case.