Our brain has unexplored possibilities. Every day we experience it to the best of our ability. Sometimes we let our brain relax and do not overload it. The external environment and our internal state greatly influence our brain and our state in general.
Unfortunately, we are not able to control all the processes in life, so we face constant stress, anxiety, tension, insomnia, difficulty concentrating or relaxing. Every next year we feel it more and more clearly.
Mental health is about how we think, feel and behave. Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health problems. They are often a reaction to any difficult life event, such as bereavement, but can also be caused by work-related issues, family problems, fright, too responsible events that affect the psyche and emotional state.
Loss of concentration is a manifestative symptom of depression. This can also become a part of a negative feedback cycle in which losing focus makes depression worse. Unfortunately, depression doesn’t always go away easily even with treatment. Therefore, in the meantime you may have to find ways to concentrate or relax even if you have major depressive disorder.
Today we live in an amazing time. And after COVID, detecting a new disorder is very easy. In addition to central nervous system disturbances at the height of the disease, a third of those who recover experience long-term complications: depression, anxiety, increased risk of stroke, and parkinsonism.
This is called neurotropism - the ability of an infection to infect the cells of this system. Moreover, the researchers believe that the virus multiplies inside the nerve cells of the brain.
The results of post-mortem autopsies show that the coronavirus leads to inflammation of the brain tissue. And neuroimaging methods that show the structure and dysfunction of the brain detect microstrokes and leukoencephalopathy, a condition that leads to demyelination, when the covering of the processes of the nerve cell is destroyed.
These organic damages lead to the fact that a person develops mental and neurological disorders, which are complications.
In a systematic review, researchers report that 20-40% of coronavirus patients have psychiatric disorders:
Neurofeedback is a technique in which the electrical activity of the brain is recorded using an EEG (electroencephalogram) in real-time and the results are displayed through various sounds and images in the form of a video game on the phone. That is, the neurofeedback interface is a kind of physiological mirror, which reflects the activity of the brain. With the help of various biofeedback protocols, it is possible to influence this activity, and hence various physiological processes in the body.
In the process of such a "game", conditioned reflex training of the nervous system occurs, which can be used to correct ADHD (attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder), epileptic syndromes, CNS dysfunction after strokes and various brain injuries, as well as migraine, various forms of depression, anxiety states, etc.
Active study of Neurofeedback began in the 1950s and a significant contribution to its development was made by N.E. Miller, L.V. DiKara (a series of experiments on the development of operant-type visceral conditioned reflexes in animals), M. B. Shterman (established the possibility of increasing the threshold of convulsive readiness after a conditioned reflex increase in the sensorimotor rhythm in the central gyrus of the cerebral cortex), J. Kamiya (established the possibility of changing EEG parameters using neural feedback).
Today, Neurofeedback is getting an increasing number of supporters, incl. and among former skeptics.
Usually we don't know what's going on in our brain and describe our state as some kind of "feelings" or "sensations". Neurofeedback training allows us to "measure" these usually hidden processes and convey them to us in a familiar, understandable form of sounds or images.⠀
Everyone can learn to control their own brain activity, which will improve well-being, unlock personal potential and improve the quality of life.
Our health depends on us. Don't let the outside environment destroy you from the inside. Be strong and healthy with MINDO.
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