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The use of Neurofeedback in psychology

The use of Neurofeedback in psychology

Biofeedback is an effective, drug-free, safe, and painless way to visualize body activity by registering physiological parameters (EEG, EMG, RPG, heart rate) and displaying this data on the monitor screen in the form of understandable numbers, diagrams or games.

The main purpose of Biofeedback is training in self-regulation and self-control skills.

Types of biofeedback

1. Neurofeedback: registration of the basic rhythms of the EEG;

2. Biofeedback: registration of heart rate (HR), respiration parameters (RPG), electromyograms (EMG), temperature indicators (TEMP), galvanic skin response (RAG).

Neurofeedback is successfully used in psychology and modern cognitive-behavioral therapy.

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a revolutionary drug-free modern method of therapy and rehabilitation for adults and children with a wide range of psychological and psychosomatic disorders.

The main principle is conducting alpha and/or beta training to develop patient's ability to adjust their psycho-emotional state voluntarily (relax or, conversely, concentrate) by changing the physiological parameters of the EEG in the presence of feedback.

The goal of neurobiological control is to educate a person in self-regulation and help to understand when their brain is in the desired state (relaxed or tense).

The procedure consists of continuous real-time monitoring of the main brain activity rhythms (alpha, beta, theta rhythms) and conscious control of them while using multimedia, gaming, and other techniques in a given range of values.

In other words, biofeedback is a kind of «physiological mirror» that reflects a person's internal processes. During the biofeedback course sessions, it is possible to strengthen or weaken the physiological indicator of EEG and improve it consciously. 

The use of Neurofeedback in psychology

Modern technologies and the Neurofeedback method in psychology allow everyone to acquire the skill of managing processes that occur inside their body at a psychological level.

Neurofeedback therapy - a solution to the problem of emotional dysregulation!

Emotional dysregulation is the inability to effectively influence and manage your emotional experiences, actions, verbal and non-verbal reactions. The brain has its own feedback mechanism. This mechanism forms an automatic regulatory system that works most of the time and regulates biorhythms of the brain, and hence the psycho-emotional state of the body (behavior, thoughts, emotions). We can say that a stable, balanced organism is the one that has a very good ability of self-regulation. Nevertheless, the problem of emotional dysregulation arises in the life of mankind more and more often and requires the intervention of a competent specialist (psychologist, therapist).

Emotional dysregulation means incorrect functioning of feedback mechanisms in the brain.

When the regulatory mechanism of the brain does not work properly, the body cannot receive a signal that, for example, the working day is over and there is no longer any need to remain in a hyperactive, stressed (beta) state. Without this signal, a person cannot regulate themself and return to a relaxed (alpha) state.

This brain dysregulation process is often accompanied by symptoms of various disorders, such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorders, bipolar disorders and personality disorders, anger, migraine, epilepsy, chronic fatigue, and cognitive impairment («chemical brain»).

The main objective of Neurofeedback is to teach a person the skills of self-regulation and self-control!

The neurofeedback technology allows you to independently learn to adjust brain rhythms, providing valuable feedback of the brain's electrical signals in real time, which is then used by the brain for self-regulation, self-monitoring, restoration of neural connections and working at the optimal level.

In other words, the method of biofeedback is focused on increasing the ability to consciously control one's state and bringing the skills of regulating emotions to automatism.

The principle of biofeedback training

1. Feedback is formed when registering biorhythms of the brain using special sensors located in a certain way on the patient's head. The procedure is absolutely painless and has no side effects since it does not affect the body and only reads the necessary information.

2. The received data is transferred to a PC and processed using special software in real time.

3. The process of taking EEG indicators (waves of the right and left hemispheres of the brain) involves a patient performing a certain task (for example, solving a math problem), bringing the brain into a tense state or vice versa, listening to pleasant music and relaxing.

4. The state is displayed on the monitor screen and a person sees and understands which state is accompanied by tension (concentration), and which relaxation (calmness).

Thus, during biofeedback training, the brain learns to recognize conditions and independently adjust its work depending on the life situation, for example, to relax in stressful situations or to concentrate during classes.

Most studies have shown that patients begin to see improvement after 5-10 sessions, and the full course of treatment is usually from 30 to 40 sessions, with each session lasting from 25 to 40 minutes.


The neurofeedback method is effectively used to eliminate:

  1. Psychological and psychoemotional disorders:
    • chronic stress;
    • chronic fatigue;
    • depression;
    • anxiety disorders;
    • sleep disturbance;
    • phobias;
    • eurosis;
  2. Psychosomatic disorders:
    • headaches;
    • hypertension;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • hyperactivity syndrome;
    • violation of muscle regulation;
    • erectile dysfunction;
    • psycho addiction;
  3. Neuropsychiatric disorders:
    • Tourette's syndrome;
    • sleepwalking;
    • epilepsy;
    • recovery from a stroke (speech, spelling, reading);
    • the initial stage of dementia;
    • Alzheimer's disease;
  4. Especially relevant for children over 5 years old with:
    • ADHD
    • aggression and impulsivity;
    • distracted attention and problems with adaptation at school;
    • late development of speech;
    • dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia;
    • phobias and social isolation (in the group of peers);
    • autism spectrum disorders;
    • Asperger Syndrome;
    • Down syndrome.

Specialized equipment for biofeedback training, which has no analogs: NeuroFit

What is it: this wireless neuro training device is a headband that records brain biorhythms on-line and allows psycho-emotional correction using a special biofeedback based software.

In combination with Biofeedback, BrainBit NeuroFit has been successfully used in psychology and modern cognitive behavioral therapy.

Read about: neurofeedback use-cases

Learn more: BrainBit NeuroFit

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